[Logo: Aachen Collquium 2024]

[Logo: Aachen Collquium 2024]

7. – 9. Oktober 2024

October 7th – 9th, 2024

Participant registration

Step 1 of 4

Participant registration

Participant registration

Please enter below the dates for participation in the 33rd Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility from 7 - 9 October 2024 at Eurogress Aachen.

Please select a type of participation:(*)
Bitte wählen Sie eine Rechnungsadresse. * Only on presentation of an university certificate valid for the time of the colloquium.
** Please have your registration code ready.
*** Only for press representatives of covering media like technical or daily newspapers, news agencies, radio or TV stations on presentation of a valid press card and in case of a planned press coverage. Your accreditation is possible via this form.
Please upload a valid file (.jpg or .pdf) as proof of the discount.
Do you plan to publish a report on the event? Bitte wählen Sie eine Rechnungsadresse.
In which medium do you plan to publish a report on the event?

Please note that a fee of € 50 (plus VAT) will be charged for stand supervisor registrations received after September 1st due to missed deadlines.

Registration code
Please enter the registration code you received by e-mail. Please enter the registration code you received by e-mail.
ID of your presentation (=presentation no.)
You will find the ID in the email you received to confirm your presentation and from which you have taken the link to this page.


If you are attending online, please note that the streaming of the presentations will be in English only.(*)
Please make a selection.

Which days would you like to attend?(*)

invalid entry
Price of your current selection (plus VAT):
price €

Further details

Please choose your salutation.
Ungültige Eingabe
Please note that only the first name is printed on the name badge. Please type your first name.
Appears as indicated on your nameplate. Please type your last name.
Invalid email address.
You have the option of specifying additional e-mail recipients. To do this, click here and add additional e-mail addresses separated by commas.
Please enter your area code (e.g. +49).
Please enter a valid phone number (only figures, no blanks, no hyphens or other characters).

Postal address

Will appear on your name badge as indicated. Please enter your company.
Bitte geben Sie Ihre Firma an.
Bitte geben Sie Ihre Firma an.
Please enter your street/PO box.
Please enter your postal code.
Please enter your city.
Please enter your country.


Please let us know if you have already received a complecte vaccination protection by the event date in October 2021.
Please let us know if you would like to take part in the opening evening (October 7th, 2024).
Please let us know if you would like to take part in the opening evening.
Please let us know if you would like to take part in the banquet (October 8th, 2024).
Please let us know if you would like to take part in the banquet.
Please let us know if you would like to take part in the banquet (October 8th, 2024).
Please let us know if you would like to take part in the banquet.
We try to consider the wishes of the participants as best as possible. Due to limited space, we cannot guarantee a place in the preferred banquet hall.

 Overview of the banquet halls.

The event includes a list of all participants with the following data: First and last name, company and email address. Would you like to take advantage of this service and be listed there?
Ungültige Eingabe

Accompanying person

The decision on a social program will be taken at a later date. Please let us know whether you are interested in registering an accompanying person without any charges. Accompanying persons are those who are not themselves participants in the colloquium, e.g. spouses.
Please choose a salutation
Please type the first name.
Please type the last name.
If your accompanying guest does not participate in any of the program items offered, we do not require this information. In this case, you can select "no accompanying person". Please indicate whether your companion is interested in the social program.
Price of your current selection (plus VAT):
price €

Billing address

Bitte wählen Sie eine Rechnungsadresse.
Please enter your client number when you have it at hand. Bitte geben Sie Ihre Firma an.
Please enter your company.
Please enter your company.
Please enter your invoice recipient.
Please enter your street/PO code.
Please enter your postal code.
Please enter your city.
Please enter your country.
Please enter your supplier number.
Please enter your VAT number.
Invalid email address.
If required, you can enter a company internal order number here, which is printed on the invoice. Bitte geben Sie einen Ort an.
If you would like to register several people with the same billing address for the colloquium, this saved address can be retrieved for future registrations. Attention: Existing entries are overwritten. Ungültige Eingabe
Price of your current selection (plus VAT):
price €

Completion of registration

Ungültige Eingabe

Credit card =You will receive a registration confirmation with a payment link. Please use this link to make the payment by credit card. Please note their privacy policy. You will receive an invoice only after you have made the payment.

You must accept our terms and conditions in order to register.
You must accept our privacy policy in order to register.
You must accept our privacy policy in order to register.
Price of your current selection (plus VAT):
price €

Registration information

Participant Registration for the Aachen Colloquium

  • 1 Register Participants

    Every year the participant registration starts at the beginning of May. After logging in into your user account, you can register yourself or other participants for the Aachen Colloquium. A Registration without user account will still be possible. In this case please use "Register without user account". 

  • 2Receive a Confirmation

    Directy after submitting the registration form you will receive an automatically sent email from our website. This is no binding registration yet.

    After we processed your registration, you will receive a confirmation of registration with attached invoice and further information concerning the Aachen Colloquium. 

  • 3Payment after Receipt of Invoice

    You will receive the invoice via email to the submitted address. Invoices for credit card payers can only be sent after the credit card was charged. This may take some days. If desired, we can also post the invoice to you. Please also note that especially post shipping abroad may take longer. 

  • 4 Participation in the 
    Aachen Colloquium

    The event will start on October 7th. All conference documents will be provided at the location. 


We are pleased that the Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility has drawn your interest. You can find all information under the menu item "Attend as...". If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. The contact details are positioned on the right side. We try to make your stay in Aachen as pleasant as possible and to find a solution for every problem. Please click on the link below to register for this year's event. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Aachen or online!

Pricelist 2024

Participation Fee: 1490,- €*

Day Ticket Tuesday (incl. banquet): 990,- €*

Day Ticket Tuesday (without banquet): 900,- €*

Day Ticket Wednesday (with banquet): 880,- €*

Day Ticket Wednesday (without banquet): 790,- €*

Participation Fee Online: 750,- €*

University Members 50% Discount

*All prices are exclusive of VAT.

full pricelist

Please choose:

You have the opportunity to continue without an user accout or log in as a registered user (*). You can read here how the registration now works.

You don't have a user account yet?
Please register here.
Create user account

Click here for registration.

To registration

(*) Your advantages by creating a user account

By creating a profile on this website you have the possibility to access the stored data when registering for upcoming events.
You also have the option of entering an invoice address in your profile, which is automatically entered when several participants register and thus facilitates part of the registration process.

Social Events

Social events for your accompanying guests

Accompanying persons of our participants can expect a varied supporting program on Tuesday and Wednesday during the day in Aachen and the surrounding area. Accompanying guests are of course also welcome at the welcome reception and banquet.


Tuesday, October 6th: An excursion to the fashion city of Hasselt, Belgium, with a visit to the Jenevermuseum is offered.

Wednesday, October 7th: The accompanying guests have the opportunity to get to know Aachen and the new city museum Centre Charlemagne.

Further information will be published in April.


The Social Events 2021 will be published in April.


Tuesday, October 6th, 2020

08:30 am Meeting at Eurogress Aachen
10:00 am Arrival in Hasselt and visit of the fashion museum including coffee break
12:30 pm Lunch break at the restaurant "Het Borrelhuis"
02:00 pm Guided visit of the Jenevermuseum including a tasting
03:30 pm Return to Aachen
04:30 pm Expected arrival at Eurogress Aachen
Trip to Hasselt (Belgium)

On Tuesday, the program starts with a trip to Hasselt, a Belgian city about an hour's drive from Aachen. In the morning, a visit to the Hasselt Fashion Museum is planned. After a coffee break in the museum, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of fashion during a guided tour. The collection of the Fashion Museum comprises almost 17,000 pieces, ranging from clothing, shoes, handbags, and accessories to underwear. The collection policy aims at acquiring and preserving historical garments as well as pieces by contemporary designers and keeping them in optimal condition. Afterwards, we invite you to enjoy lunch together in a cozy restaurant in the center of Hasselt. In the afternoon, we will visit the Jenevermuseum. Jenever is a juniper schnapps, which is considered as the historic national drink of Belgium. A guided tour awaits you in the museum, where you will learn more about the history behind the alcohol. The heart of the museum is the fully steam-powered 19th century distillery. The distillery is still in operation today, so you can taste a homemade jenever after the tour. After visiting the Jenevermuseum, we will return to the Aachen Eurogress.

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

09:30 am Meeting at Eurogress Aachen and guided walk to the city center
10:00 am Guided tour of Aachen including a visit of an exhibition of the artist Albrecht Dürer and coffee break at Centre Charlemagne
12:30 pm Lunch at a restaurant
afterwards Shopping stroll through the city center of Aachen

Visit of Aachen focused on the artist Albrecht Dürer

On Wednesday, you have the opportunity to explore the city of Aachen. While you discover the city center together on foot, you will gain insights into the life of the artist Albrecht Dürer. He was one of the greatest living artists of his time. On the occasion of the festive coronation of Charles V 500 years ago, these two important historical personalities travelled to Aachen. In an exhibition in the city, you can learn more about the historic meeting of artist and king as well as Dürer's productive one-year journey, which took him via Aachen to the Netherlands. In between, the tour pauses at Karl's Café in Aachen's new museum, the "Centre Charlemagne". After the guided visit, you will have the opportunity to enjoy Aachen cuisine at a joint lunch in the city center. The afternoon is at your disposal for an extensive shopping stroll in Aachen's numerous shops. You might also want to visit the factory outlets of Lindt, Bahlsen, and Lambertz.Zum goldenen Einhorn. During the afternoon you can stroll through the city center or visit the outlets of Lindt, Bahlsen and Lambertz.




Welcome to our event website

We are pleased that the Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility has drawn your interest. You can find a lot of information under the menu item "Attend as...". If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. The contact details are positioned on the right side. We try to make your stay in Aachen as pleasant as possible and to find a solution for every problem. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Aachen!

Prices 2021

Participation fee 1050,- €*

University 525,- €*

*All prices are net plus statutory VAT.


Ihr Kontakt

Your contact

Sara Portz

Sara Portz

+49 241 8861 205

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Aachener Kolloquium
Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik GbR
Steinbachstraße 7
52074 Aachen


Aachener Kolloquium
Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik GbR
Steinbachstraße 7
52074 Aachen

+49 241 8861 205

© 2024 Aachen Colloquium Automobile and Engine Technology. All Rights Reserved.