[Logo: Aachen Collquium 2025]

[Logo: Aachen Collquium 2025]

6. – 8. Oktober 2025

October 6th – 8th, 2025

Tagungsunterlagen 2023

Tagungsunterlagen 2023

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Trends in Battery Management for Lithium-Ion BatteriesDominik JöstRWTH Aachen University ISEABattery Systems IEuropa10.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(359.40 KB)
Future role of Sodium-Ion technology to provide cost efficient battery packsHendrik LöbberdingFEV Europe GmbHBattery Systems IEuropa10.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(514.58 KB)
Usecases for LTO batteries in public transportationJoachim RothEBZ nano power s.r.o.Battery Systems IEuropa10.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(1.33 MB)
Factorial Energy: Transformational Semi-Solid-State TechnologyRaimund KoerverFactorial EnergyBattery Systems IIEuropa10.10.2023 14:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
S-BEV – Launch of a modular Battery Swapping Station Solution with tailored Logistic Vehicle PlatformSven SteinwascherGETEC Getriebe Technik GmbHBattery Systems IIEuropa10.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(884.47 KB)
Observing and prolonging the battery lifetime via cloud monitoring and a digital twinMatthias KuipersACCURE Battery Intelligence GmbHBattery Systems IIEuropa10.10.2023 15:00 Uhr(343.37 KB)
AI-powered BMS for better, safer and greener batteriesUmut GencEatron TechnologiesBattery Systems IIEuropa10.10.2023 15:00 Uhr(310.14 KB)
15 minutes charging, real 400 km driving. hofer powertrain's contribution to the D-SEe research projectKai André Boehmhofer pwoertainBattery Systems IIIEuropa10.10.2023 16:00 Uhr(1.91 MB)
Battery recycling: The economics of a multi-billion Euro circular economy in the makingMarkus VolkeningFEV ConsultingBattery Systems IIIEuropa10.10.2023 17:00 Uhr(649.10 KB)
Investigating the effect of battery swelling in a lithium-ion battery moduleChristiaan StokerDassault SystemesBattery Systems IIIEuropa10.10.2023 17:00 Uhr(2.08 MB)
Hydrogen Combustion Engine : challenges and solutions towards industrial applicationsJoël Op de BeeckPlastic OmniumH2-ICE IEuropa11.10.2023 08:00 Uhr(1.55 MB)
Light Commercial Vehicle with a H2 Engine Hybrid PowertrainJan Niklas GeilerRobert Bosch GmbHH2-ICE IEuropa11.10.2023 09:00 Uhr(2.98 MB)
H2 ICE technologies as key enabler for the decarbonization of the heavy duty sectorNicola RapettoFPTH2-ICE IEuropa11.10.2023 09:00 Uhr(658.11 KB)
Challenges and Opportunities in developing a H2 High Specific Power Turbo-Charged Enginemassimo meddaferrariH2-ICE IIEuropa11.10.2023 10:00 Uhr(917.42 KB)
On the road experience with a LCV H2ICE: A practical path to eliminate emissionsGavin DoberPHINIAH2-ICE IIEuropa11.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(2.01 MB)
Hydrogen ICE: State of the art and future potential for real-world applicationHelmut EichlsederTU GrazH2-ICE IIEuropa11.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(1.67 MB)
Study on Performance Optimization of Influencing Factors on Hydrogen Combustion SystemSUN JIANGREAT WALL MOTORH2-ICE IIEuropa11.10.2023 12:00 Uhr(1.22 MB)
Intelligent H2 Fueling - An Innovation to improve the Economy of Hydrogen MobilitySebastian BarthHonda R&D Europe (Deutschland) GmbHSustainability in Mobile Propulsion IIEuropa11.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(1.13 MB)
Overview on LONGRUN project resultsLukas VirnichFEV Europe GmbHSustainability in Mobile Propulsion IIEuropa11.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(351.00 KB)
Sustainable electric powertrain at all levels – a deep dive into circular economy approach from BoschThomas TribouletRobert Bosch GmbHSustainability in Mobile Propulsion IIEuropa11.10.2023 15:00 Uhr(1.10 MB)
60 years of Porsche flat-six enginesMarkus BaumannDr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AGNew ICE EnginesBerlin10.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(2.02 MB)
MAZDA e-SKYACTIV D 3.3L Diesel EngineDaisuke ShimoMazda Motor CorporationNew ICE EnginesBerlin10.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(3.35 MB)
The New Aurobay 250 PS, 2.0 L Miller EngineMichael DennyAurobayNew ICE EnginesBerlin10.10.2023 12:00 Uhr(2.77 MB)
Fuel cell powertrain adoption for heavy duty vehicles; Reducing cost and simplifying integrationTej ChadeesinghBallard Motive SolutionsFuel Cells IBerlin10.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(1.98 MB)
Fuel cell aging prediction and mitigation for commercial vehicle applicationsYingxu LiuFEV Europe GmbHFuel Cells IBerlin10.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(1.17 MB)
Ageing of Fuel Cell Systems under Heavy-Duty and Bus ApplicationsFlorian Henkelcellcentric GmbH & Co. KGFuel Cells IBerlin10.10.2023 15:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Development of an integrated fuel cell system simulator for multi-purpose applicationShigeki HasegawaKyoto UniversityFuel Cells IBerlin10.10.2023 15:00 Uhr(1.95 MB)
Multiscale water management simulation in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel CellYury ShestakovskiyDassault Systèmes Deutschland GmbHFuel Cells IIBerlin10.10.2023 16:00 Uhr(2.77 MB)
How to develop and design a Fuel Cell Stack for Aviation?Daniel WeberAerostack GmbHFuel Cells IIBerlin10.10.2023 17:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Field experience and future potential of fuel cell propulsion systemsMatthias AltStellantisFuel Cells IIBerlin10.10.2023 17:00 Uhr(2.17 MB)
Identification and Update of Thermal Models in Digital Twins of ePowertrain MotorJon Garcia UrbietaGKN AutomotiveEDU I Concept DevelopmentBerlin11.10.2023 08:00 Uhr(2.50 MB)
Accurate reduced motor models for powertrain systems optimizationFabien Vidal-NaquetIFP Energies nouvellesEDU I Concept DevelopmentBerlin11.10.2023 09:00 Uhr(2.18 MB)
dynamic and efficent - the new powertrain APP550 boosting the ID.FamilyLars HentschelVolkswagen AGEDU I Concept DevelopmentBerlin11.10.2023 09:00 Uhr(1.91 MB)
Dynamic charging with eHighway - ready for roll--outMarkus SchauenSiemens Mobility GmbHElectrification of Commercial VehiclesBerlin11.10.2023 10:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Integration of Real Driving Data into the Electric Powertrain Design Process for Heavy Duty TrucksGordon WithamInstitut für Kraftfahrzeuge (ika), RWTH Aachen UniversityElectrification of Commercial VehiclesBerlin11.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(1.21 MB)
Customized EDU systems from micromobility to heavy-duty applicationsMichael StapelbroekFEV Europe GmbHElectrification of Commercial VehiclesBerlin11.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(1.75 MB)
Electric Axles for Medium Duty Commercial VehiclesJohn ShuttyBorgWarner Inc.Electrification of Commercial VehiclesBerlin11.10.2023 12:00 Uhr(3.10 MB)
Thermal Design of NanoLam DC Link CapacitorsMichael BreuerRheinmetall PolychargeEDU II ComponentsBerlin11.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(1.86 MB)
Next Generation 800V SiC High-Speed E-Drive Technology for Electric MobilityHarsha NanjundaswamyBorgWarnerEDU II ComponentsBerlin11.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(2.77 MB)
Efficiency trends for electric traction drivesAlexander RambetiusValeoEDU II ComponentsBerlin11.10.2023 15:00 Uhr(1.23 MB)
Future vehicle HMI – Trends and implications for automotive OEMs, suppliers and tech playersJohannes BerkingOliver WymanStrategy ILissabon10.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(726.77 KB)
Unlocking the Potential of Future Vehicle Architectures – Challenges and ImplicationsMichael Redheadfka GmbHStrategy ILissabon10.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(1.70 MB)
Software Defined Vehicle in the VUCA world – Balancing value chain resilience and performance needsWolf-Dieter HoppeArthur D. LittleStrategy ILissabon10.10.2023 12:00 Uhr(1.44 MB)
Not bigger but smarter – How to right-size electric vehicles and their batteriesChristian KoehlerStrategy Engineers GmbH & Co. KGStrategy IILissabon10.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(1.19 MB)
Lithium-ion battery market and emerging battery technologiesDennis GallusRoland BergerStrategy IILissabon10.10.2023 14:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Chinese EV players in Europe: Quo vadis?Christian BrickensteinPwC Strategy& (Germany) GmbHStrategy IILissabon10.10.2023 15:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
European Powertrain Outlook – Road to Net ZeroWajih HossenallyS&P GlobalStrategy IILissabon10.10.2023 15:00 Uhr(1.26 MB)
Mission net-zero: How the target can be achievedPatrick SchaufussMcKinsey & Company, Inc.Mobility & Sustainability - Concepts & StrategiesLissabon10.10.2023 16:00 Uhr(554.21 KB)
Study and proposal of CO2 emission reduction measures by automobile manufacturersTakuji MatsubaraToyota Motor CorporationMobility & Sustainability - Concepts & StrategiesLissabon10.10.2023 17:00 Uhr(3.26 MB)
Future of Automotive Mobility | What might mobility providers’ role be in tomorrow’s value chainSebastian PfeifleDeloitte Consulting GmbHMobility & Sustainability - Concepts & StrategiesLissabon10.10.2023 17:00 Uhr(856.19 KB)
Life Cycle Based Powertrain Concept Development in a Sustainable WorldAndreas BalazsFEV Europe GmbHSustainability in Mobile Propulsion ILissabon11.10.2023 08:00 Uhr(3.02 MB)
Towards a Sustainable Vehicle Concept Part 2: Extreme Cost Reduced EDU with high efficiency and sustainabilityChristoph DanzerIAV GmbHSustainability in Mobile Propulsion ILissabon11.10.2023 09:00 Uhr(2.08 MB)
Blue Gasoline – A solution towards CO2 neutral mobility for existing and new vehicles with availability already todayThomas GarbeVolkswagenSustainability in Mobile Propulsion ILissabon11.10.2023 09:00 Uhr(1.63 MB)
System & product options to meet Euro 7 heavy-duty PN10 limits under challenging in-service operationDominik RoseCorning GmbHEmission ConceptsLissabon11.10.2023 10:00 Uhr(1.51 MB)
Reaching Euro 7 targets with a with a burner-based diesel aftertreatment system: an experimental studyChiara PozziPUNCH Torino SpAEmission ConceptsEuropa11.10.2023 12:00 Uhr(1.87 MB)
The Exhaust Aftertreatment for Future Worldwide Internal Combustion Engines; From Passenger Car up to TrucksRolf BrückVitesco Technologies Emitec GmbHEmission ConceptsLissabon11.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(3.33 MB)
Measuring Real-World Brake Wear Particle Emissions on Public RoadsMichael Peter HuberTU GrazEmission ConceptsLissabon11.10.2023 12:00 Uhr(2.26 MB)
Powertrain Digital Twinning for Real-world Emissions CompliancePhil RobertsHORIBA MIRADigital TwinLissabon11.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(8.12 MB)
Cloud-based Digital Twin Solution for Predictive e-Mobility ApplicationsLukas SchäfersTME - RWTH AachenDigital TwinLissabon11.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(1.21 MB)
Design of a virtual optimization environment for the simulation parameters of a powertrain test benchJannes SchillingUniversität Stuttgart / Porsche AGDigital TwinLissabon11.10.2023 15:00 Uhr(1.86 MB)
Working title: Vay’s teledrive-first approach to autonomous drivingFabrizio ScelsiVayCurrent Trends in AD - A Start-Up ViewBrüssel10.10.2023 11:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Cross-site Continuous Development and Testing in Automotive: Delivering the Software-Driven VehicleNorbert WiechowskiMindmotiv GmbHCurrent Trends in AD - A Start-Up ViewBrüssel10.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(313.02 KB)
The Future of Autonomous Shuttle Transportation Services: A Roadmap for Successful Implementation in the United StatesHarald BraunGuident CorpCurrent Trends in AD - A Start-Up ViewBrüssel10.10.2023 12:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
BMW Highway Assist – first Level 2 Hands-Free System incl. Hands-Free-Lane-Change in GermanyRichard KrügerBMWLevel-2-Hands offBrüssel10.10.2023 14:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Ford BlueCrusiePradeed NoldFord of EuropeLevel-2-Hands offBrüssel10.10.2023 14:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
The L2H-off project: Addressing potential challenges for hands-free monitoringJohanna Jostenfka GmbHLevel-2-Hands offBrüssel10.10.2023 15:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Driver Monitoring as an Essential Building Block for System SafetyDietrich ManstettenRobert Bosch GmbHLevel-2-Hands offBrüssel10.10.2023 15:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
UNICARagil - Results of the disruptive project on driverless automated transportTimo WoopenInstitut für Kraftfahrzeuge - RWTH Aachen UniversityArchitectures for ADBrüssel10.10.2023 16:00 Uhr(6.23 MB)
Sustainable SW Architecture Development for Future VehiclesFlorian BaumannAptivArchitectures for ADBrüssel10.10.2023 17:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
AUTOtech.agil: Architecture and Technologies for Orchestrating Automotive AgilityRaphael van KempenInstitut für Kraftfahrzeuge, RWTH Aachen UniversityArchitectures for ADBrüssel10.10.2023 17:00 Uhr(2.67 MB)
Vehicle APIs as enabler of the software-defined vehicleFlorian BeerRobert Bosch GmbHSoftware Defined VehiclesBrüssel11.10.2023 08:00 Uhr(600.54 KB)
E/E industrialization with MBSE for Series Development of Software Defined VehiclesJohannes RichenhagenFEV.ioSoftware Defined VehiclesBrüssel11.10.2023 09:00 Uhr(1.72 MB)
Automotive Safety Software Architecture: A Fault-Tolerant Safety-Critical Software Architecture for Modern VehiclesVinod Mohan PrabhuRWTH AachenSoftware Defined VehiclesBrüssel11.10.2023 09:00 Uhr(2.65 MB)
Optimization of a lateral driver assistance function by combining classical approaches and artificial intelligenceChristoph OlbrichVolkswagen AGSW and Development of ADBrüssel11.10.2023 10:00 Uhr(1.28 MB)
Optimized Development Processes for Software-Defined VehiclesMartin HerrmannIPG Automotive GmbHSW and Development of ADBrüssel11.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(643.80 KB)
Flexible deployment of application software based on an end-2-end API stack with a holistic mobility system approachAchim HenkelRobert Bosch GmbHSW and Development of ADBrüssel11.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(1.90 MB)
Teleoperated Driving: Closing gaps to Automated Driving?Felix Reimerfka GmbHSW and Development of ADBrüssel11.10.2023 12:00 Uhr(3.08 MB)
Virtual Assessment of Advanced Driver Assistant Systems and Automated DrivingFelix FahrenkrogBMW AGVerification and ValidationBrüssel11.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(744.46 KB)
The Hi-Drive driving scenario databaseAria EtemadVolkswagen Group InnovationVerification and ValidationBrüssel11.10.2023 14:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
SUNRISE: Safety Assurance Framework for Connected and Automated Mobility SystemsDaniel BeckerRWTH Aachen UniversityVerification and ValidationBrüssel11.10.2023 15:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Scenario-based development and verification environment for thermal management systemsPhilip MuhlDr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AGThermal Management IK1 Aachen10.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(1.43 MB)
Simulation of cooling oil flow in electrical machines using a 3D CFD/CHT approachLeila SharifianToyota Motor EuropeThermal Management IK1 Aachen10.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(2.29 MB)
Electro-thermal Pre-design of a Dual-star e-Drive for Electric Vehicle ApplicationMariam Sanchez-TorresValeoThermal Management IK1 Aachen10.10.2023 12:00 Uhr(1.32 MB)
Holistic Thermal Management using a R744 heat pump systemDaniel WolfSchaeffler TechnologiesThermal Management IIK1 Aachen10.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(1.37 MB)
Thermal Management Systems for Future Truck PowertrainsRainer LutzMAHLE Behr GmbH & Co.KGThermal Management IIK1 Aachen10.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(1.93 MB)
Innovative cooling method for a power dense e-motor with phase changing materialRon DircksEagle Simrax B.V.Thermal Management IIK1 Aachen10.10.2023 15:00 Uhr(2.37 MB)
Status of legal regulation in EU for PFAS – Influence on Thermo Management Systems of BEVs and PHEVsRoman HecktHANON Systems Deutschland GmbHThermal Management IIK1 Aachen10.10.2023 15:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Zero-Impact Tailpipe Emission PowertrainsTheodoros KossiorisChair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems, RWTH Aachen UniversityFVVK1 Aachen10.10.2023 16:00 Uhr(2.22 MB)
ICE 2030 - Limits of SI engine efficiency in hybridised powertrainsPeter EiltsTU BraunschweigFVVK1 Aachen10.10.2023 17:00 Uhr(3.00 MB)
PEM-FC cold start simulationMatthias BahrZentrum für BrennstoffzellenTechnik GmbHFVVK1 Aachen10.10.2023 17:00 Uhr(3.77 MB)
Improved Lateral Dynamics of BEVs – Alternatives to Torque VectoringChristoph GillenGKN Driveline International GmbHVehicle DynamicsK1 Aachen11.10.2023 08:00 Uhr(1.74 MB)
Torque Management Solutions for Battery Electric VehiclesMattias MagnussonBorgWarner Sweden ABVehicle DynamicsK1 Aachen11.10.2023 09:00 Uhr(1.59 MB)
Vehicle Dynamics in Automated Driving – Subjective Evaluation of Uncertainty in Highly Dynamic Overtaking SituationsJulia Pelzerika - RWTH Aachen UniversityVehicle DynamicsK1 Aachen11.10.2023 09:00 Uhr(468.17 KB)
Robust position control of a steer-by-wire rack actuatorChristian FrohnVolkswagen AGSteer-by-WireK1 Aachen11.10.2023 10:00 Uhr(1.72 MB)
Four Wheel Steering – Development of Corner Module and Driving modes for High Steering AnglesHa-Kyung MoonHyundai Motor GroupSteer-by-WireK1 Aachen11.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(3.30 MB)
Potential of differential braking as backup system for steering actuatorsLeon SalzwedelVolkswagen AGSteer-by-WireK1 Aachen11.10.2023 11:00 Uhr(0.97 MB)
Safety concepts for a steer-by-wire superposition function at the stability limit of driving dynamicsJanick BirkemeyerVolkswagen AGSteer-by-WireK1 Aachen11.10.2023 12:00 Uhr(1.38 MB)
Alternative Steering Control Concepts - Assessment with Holistic ApproachKadir Oguzcan GerHyundai Motor Europe Technical CenterChassisK1 Aachen11.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(2.42 MB)
Novel electrohydraulic displacement machine for use in active chassis of electrified vehiclesRocco KemnitzRAPA Automotive GmbH & Co. KGChassisK1 Aachen11.10.2023 14:00 Uhr(0.98 MB)
A comprehensive study on tire operating conditions and tire lateral friction in near-rollover driving conditionsChristoph LudwigTU DresdenChassisK1 Aachen11.10.2023 15:00 Uhr(1.93 MB)
Efficiency in Motion – Holistic Efficiency Improvements with Solutions from MAHLEArnd FranzMAHLEEröffnende PlenarsessionEuropa10.10.2023 08:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
#Redefine MobilityMehmet Gürcan KarakaşTOGGEröffnende PlenarsessionEuropa10.10.2023 09:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Honda‘s Challenge: Carbon Neutrality, Zero Accidents, and New Mobility Areas Leveraging Core TechnologiesAtsushi OgawaHonda Motor R&DEröffnende PlenarsessionEuropa10.10.2023 09:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
MAN on the way to CO2-free transportationFrederik ZohmMANEröffnende PlenarsessionEuropa10.10.2023 09:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Automotive Safety Approach for Air TaxisLukas LaarmannFH AachenPosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 UhrManuskript nicht eingereicht.
Dynamic Waste-Heat-Recovery for Efficient Application of Fuel-Cells in Commercial VehiclesVinod RajamaniFH DortmundPosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 Uhr(410.77 KB)
The Chassis as a Data Source for the Digital Twin of the Road SystemVentseslav YordanovRWTH Aachen UniversityPosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 Uhr(599.14 KB)
Acceleration behavior of commercial vehicles with regard to appending norms and guidelines for body and cargo securityAlexander LampkowskiFH DortmundPosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 Uhr(948.61 KB)
Real-Time In-situ Optical Analysis For Detecting Electrolyte Degradation In Li-ion Pouch CellsSaud SattarCoventry UniversityPosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 Uhr(1.09 MB)
Model-based scenario for a defossilized German transport sectorStefan KrausForschungszentrum Jülich (IEK-3)PosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 Uhr(580.84 KB)
Development of an innovative Low Speed Sliding Rotary Vane Pump for Heavy duty Internal Combustion Engine coolingFabio FatigatiUniversity of L‘AquilaPosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 Uhr(1.14 MB)
Sustainable approach to car-sharing servicesVáclav JirovskýCzech Technical University PraguePosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 Uhr(557.77 KB)
High-Efficiency, HigDilute Active Turbulent Jet Engine Enabled by Mechanical Prechamber Air ControlHarold SchockMSU Michigan State UniversityPosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 Uhr(1.22 MB)
Integrated multi-objective energy management of long-dis tance plug-in series hybrid coachShantanu PardhiVrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)PosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 Uhr(2.33 MB)
Testing & Evaluation of a Low Voltage Inverter for In-Wheel Switched Reluctance Machines for Motorcars on a TestbenchDaniel SigmundTechnische Hochschule KölnPosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 Uhr(913.61 KB)
The Electrified Journey for the Long Run: Energy Savings of a Heavy-Duty Hybrid Electric TruckPaul MuthyalaRWTH Aachen UniversityPosterpräsentationEventapp09.10.2023 18:00 Uhr(1.67 MB)


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Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik GbR
Steinbachstraße 7
52074 Aachen


Aachener Kolloquium
Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik GbR
Steinbachstraße 7
52074 Aachen

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